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Helping professionals after brain injury adapt to change so they can enhance their quality of life. 

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Your quality of life after brain injury is depending on it.

Develop the skills to manage your symptoms, adapt to new thresholds, and create a life you love after brain injury. 


Life after brain injury and concussions is just different and you may feel like your body and life have betrayed you. Dealing with the sudden changes to personal performance, relationship dynamics, crisis of your health, interruption in your life, and derailment of everything you had planned can feel so unfair while keeping us stuck in a low quality of life.


As survivors, we must develop a new set of life skills to organize what we need, create a plan to get our quality of life back, and stay on track while we adapt. 


Keep Living

I adjusted and I adapted. I had to learn how to pace myself. I got a handle on my symptoms and found the courage within myself to keep living an amazing life.


Create Your Path Forward

One of the greatest challenges after brain injury is to stop trying to escape what you can’t escape and to change what you can’t change. You have to learn how to accept what cannot be changed about your life now and let go of past expectations that you had for yourself to create your new path forward. Acceptance is a practice within the journey of overcoming brain injury and I'll support you in developing this practice, but it is up to you to decide that your brain injury will not define your quality of life. 


Life doesn’t stop when you experience a brain injury. There will be a period of time that feels like the world is moving on without you while you attempt to respond to the sudden changes in your life caused by brain injury. I'll help you assess the effectiveness of the methods you're using to adapt to your new needs and teach you new skills to improve your quality of life after brain injury

1.7 million traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) annually in the U.S.

80,000 - 200,000 of these brain injury survivors will experience long-term health effects, impacting both physical and mental health.


It's been hard working through my chronic pain, but I was so inspired by Alexus' optimistic words! I've watched and rewatched all of her videos.

Alexus Rae Client

Contact Alexus Rae

Thank you for contacting Alexus Rae will reach out to you soon. In the meantime, be encouraged!

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